Modern way to register NSUserDefaults

Here is a modern way to register user defaults. It uses dispatch_once to ensure the registration only happens once and performs it lazily on the first access. Keeps your defaults all on the one place. Also it is implemented as a global block in the class. NSInteger (^countBeforeAlerting)(void) = ^NSInteger(void) Read more…

Where to find IOKit headers for iOS

Sometimes when compiling more sophisticated iOS projects you need the IOKit headers which were removed from the iOS SDK a few versions ago. A simple workaround is to copy them from the Mac OS SDK to the iOS SDK with these commands: sudo cp -r /Applications/ /Applications/ Sometimes you also need OSTypes.h from Read more…

Default behaviour of UISplitViewController collapseSecondaryViewController

The documentation for UISplitViewControllerDelegate collapseSecondaryViewController says: When you return NO, the split view controller calls the collapseSecondaryViewController:forSplitViewController: method of the primary view controller, giving it a chance to do something with the secondary view controller’s content. Most view controllers do nothing by default but the UINavigationControllerclass responds by pushing the secondary view controller onto its navigation stack. Read more…