How to use withObservationTracking to monitor an @Observable
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I thought I’d share an example of how I am currently using it. I wanted to make an object that maintains a sorted order of the main model’s objects. I used withObservationTracking
to update if either the sort order local to this object is changed or if the particular model object property I’m sorting by is changed. It doesn’t matter that tracking only happens once, because if anything I’m tracking changes, the cached data will be invalidated and when it is requested again the tracking will be re-configured.
class Counter: Identifiable {
var count = 0
class Model {
var counters: [Counter] = [.init(), .init(), .init()]
class SortedModel {
var model: Model! {
didSet {
if oldValue !== model {
_counters = nil
var ascending = false
var _counters: [Counter]?
var counters: [Counter] {
if _counters == nil {
_counters = withObservationTracking {
// tracks self.ascending and the count of all model.counters.
let sort = SortDescriptor(\Counter.count, order: ascending ? .forward : .reverse)
return model.counters.sorted(using: sort)
} onChange: { [weak self] in
self?._counters = nil
return _counters!